Jups Kluyskens

Paintings, drawings and other work

Cooks and their ingredients

The Ambitious Cook, acrylic, 50×70
The Apprentice, oil 50×70 (Sold)
Cook II, oil 40×60
Cook III, oil 40×60
Cook I, oil 40×50
Bocuse, oil 30×45
Rooster, oil, 30×40 2020
Lobster, oil 30×50
Carnivore, oil 30×20
Oysters, pastel, 30×20 (Sold)
Cherries, oil crayon, 32×24 (Sold)
Crab, pastel, 30×20

Trout, acrylic, 15×20 (private collection)
Plums, oil 15×20
Gurnard, pastel 32×24 (Sold)

© 2024 Jups Kluyskens

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