Jups Kluyskens

Paintings, drawings and other work

About me


Inspiration can come from anywhere, unexpected, unclear, moving, and confusing. The process of capturing something on paper or canvas is challenging, the process unpredictable and the result endlessly debatable. Life is a process and searching is useless but finding somehting is a treasure. While painters, literature, landscapes and (unknown) people inspire me it is ultimately the human condition that we have in common. In retrospect I discover that I enjoy work that somehow comes together either thematically, different individuals, and objects. It is a way of expressing which by definition is unpredictable, chaotic and unknown.

Please contact me if you are interested in any of the works (jupskluyskens@gmail.com) or visit me at my studio in the center of Amsterdam. Follow me on Instagram: Jups Kluyskens

I have an academic background in Philosophy, African Studies and Public Management and a successful career in international development for over 30 years. I used to travel about 50 percent of my time so I could not pursue art classes on a regular basis.

I started painting as a student but with many interruptions until I had private lessons from Helma Pantus since 2010. I joined the ‘Nieuwe Academie’’  in Utrecht, the Netherlands, for one year in 2018 but decided that it was better to continue on my own. I continue with taking lessons from time to time and follow workshops when I can and which provides me with new opportunities for learning and experimenting.  

© 2024 Jups Kluyskens

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